Handiscoop Easy Walk
£27.29 - £29.29
HANDISCOOP SHORT EASYWALK, the ideal poop scoop for anyone who has trouble bending or mobility issues
Using just one bag on your HandiScoop and a bucket you can clean poop from your whole garden in just seconds. No need to bend down or use a bag on your hand. Cleaning up after your dog is never a nice experience but HandiScoop makes it quick, easy and extremely hygienic for any member of the family. The HandiScoop can be pre-loaded with up to 3 bags. Each bag can hold up to 4 poops, making it cost effective and good for the environment. Use just one bag on your HandiScoop to clear the whole garden as seen on TV!Quick easy and super hygienic
Lock and seal between pick ups, holds up to 4 poops per bag
Pre-load your scoop with up to 3 bags, so you are always ready to go
Great for anyone who struggles bending down or has limited mobility