
5 Questions - After Switching To Raw

30th Apr 2021

You’ve finally taken the decision to switch your dog over to a raw food diet but have started to notice changes and have some questions and concerns, here are some frequently asked questions you might have after the dog food switch.

Always consult a vet, expert or nutritionist if you are concerned about your dog’s health and wellbeing.

1. Why is my dog drinking less? Compared to other dog food alternatives such as a dry kibble, raw dog food contains a lot of moisture and thus your dog may be getting the necessary hydration while eating. Of course if this is accompanied by other symptoms for example your dog is not urinating, you must go and see a vet to investigate this.

2. Is the raw food really helping my dog’s teeth? You’ve been told that a raw diet can benefit your dog’s oral health and while you agree that there are clearly fewer sugars and preservatives, you can’t hear any crunching! So are the bones really helping? Small bones which are added to many ready made formulas are abrasive enough to clean a dogs teeth, Chewy and crunchy treats can also be added to help clean these further and remember unlike many kibbles the raw food will not stick to your dog’s teeth as easily so there will probably less tartar and plaque build up.

3. Why has my dog just been sick? Always consult your vet if this is accompanied by other symptoms however if your dog appears to be themselves this could be for a number of reasons. Firstly the raw food is digested much quicker, unlike dry kibble which sits in the stomach waiting to be digested! To prevent this hunger sickness experiment with snacks at midday and before bed. Secondly many dogs enjoy a raw diet so much they gobble it down very quickly causing sickness, here it’s wise to try a slow feeder to remedy this.

4. Why has my dog’s poo changed? An initial change of poo consistency is normal with any change of diet but this should settle down quickly, you may also notice a change of colour depending on the meat you’re feeding. The change will also depend on whether your dog has a sensitive digestion and their bone tolerance, prebiotics and other remedies can be added here to improve the situation. Always consult your vet if the problem persists or appears severe.

5. Why does my dog not seem keen? Many processed foods contain salts and sugars and your dog will have become very keen on or almost addicted to these (just as we do with human food) as a result your dog may need some persuasion, fortunately many raw meals can be mixed initially to help the switch, a flavour with a strong smell such as salmon is also often recommended for fussier eaters.