
Kitten Shop

Welcome to the Just for Pets Kitten Store - all your kitty needs in one place!

Bringing your new kitten home is very exciting! But it's important to prepare your house for the new arrival to help them settle in. Our expertly trained store teams are always happy to help with advice, but if you can't make it to a store, check out our top tips for new cat owners in the quick guide below.

New Kitten Owner Guide

What supplies do I need for my new kitten?

Use our new kitten owner checklist to make sure you have everything you need for your new bundle of fluff.

  • Litter tray and non clumping cat litter
  • Litter scoop
  • Poop bags
  • Cat bed
  • Water and food bowls – stainless steel, non-slip ones are best.
  • Kitten food
  • Kitten treats
  • Flea and worming treatments (consult your vet for advice on the best products for you)
  • Cat toys
  • Scratch mat or scratching post
  • Grooming brush or comb
  • toothpaste and finger toothbrush
  • Pet carrier

How do I prepare my home for my new kitten?

      Bringing your kitten home for the first time is exciting, but make sure you kitten-proof your home beforehand so you are fully prepared.

      • Remove any houseplants that may be toxic to your kitten.
      • Make sure all hazardous substances such as cleaning products are stored safely away.
      • Get into the habit of keeping toilet seats and bin lids closed – you don’t want your kitten to fall in!
      • Block off areas where your kitten may want to hide, especially potentially dangerous places like washing machines and tumble dryers.
      • Hide away electrical cables and cover all plug sockets.
      • Don’t allow your kitten upstairs initially and keep windows and outside doors closed.
      • Keep all food away from your kitten’s reach and make sure your family knows they should only feed your cat kitten food.

What should I feed my kitten?

To begin with, you should continue to feed your kitten the same food it has been used to. If you wish to change it, you should do so gradually by mixing it with their usual food.

A good commercial kitten food will be specially formulated to provide your kitten the high energy, protein-rich food it needs. Read all food labelling carefully to ensure they’re getting a good balance of nutrients. If a food is labelled “complete”, it contains all the nutrients your kitten needs. If it is labelled “complementary” it doesn’t contain all the nutrients they need and should be combined with other foods.

As a general rule, cats need the following among of meals a day:

Age 8-12 weeks – 4 meals a day

3 – 6 months – 3 meals a day

6 months plus – 2 meals a day

Please ensure your kitten has access to fresh water at all times.

How do I play with my kitten?

Kittens love to play and the best times to engage them is when they are most active - in the early mornings and early evenings. Very young kittens play by wrestling with their litter mates and by the age of 12 – 14 weeks they begin “prey” play whereby they chase, pounce and hunt objects. This activity of course, helps them practice their natural hunting behaviour.

Games you can play with your kitten are:

Chasing and swiping teaser toys such as a feather teaser.

Chasing balls – try an assortment of different types of balls so your kitten can find their favourite – bells that rattle, crunch, or have a bell inside.

Your cat will love any toy that resembles their natural prey such as a mouse or bird, especially if it can wriggle about.

Give them something to hide in such as cardboard tunnels and empty boxes.

Encourage them to climb on a climbing frame or scratching post.

If your kitten doesn’t feel like playing with you, leave them to do their own thing. They may want to pass the time independently exploring, hunting or sleeping!